Tuesday, January 30, 2007


My first assignment in dignostic teaching: My philosophy of teaching is largely a reflection of my philosophy of living or I should say my newly adopted philosophy of living. I believe that each day we each are both an teacher and a learner. And if we are quiescent, our lives truly become enriched by these experiences. I promise to always encourage my students to develop a lifelong commitment of personal growth through their own awareness, and to see the beauty in life that surrounds them and that is from within. I promise that I will always try to inspire them to achieve excellence within their own individual academic pursuit.

I believe that the interaction between teaching and learning is an intricate one. As a teacher, I see myself as a facilitator of learning. I try to set the stage for learning to take place by creating an informal, stimulating and creative environment. I have found that where there is interest and motivation without fear of condemnation there is most often learning taking place. This is especially true in Language Arts classrooms, where I believe motivation is critical for success. Maintaining a balance of intrigue and victory provides a nice structure for students to achieve mastery and appreciation.

I view each student as an individual and honor different learning styles, abilities and frustrations with sensitivity and respect. This is where patience and accommodation is an integral component of my teaching style. Indeed, I believe in support and encouragement for all of my students.

In order to implement my philosophy, I try to be an example and share my own views and experiences and how I have changed as a person and continue to grow. I also prepare many different types of lessons and challenge commonly held beliefs about the nature of Language Arts. I encourage my students to look for and appreciate the elegance of the of the English language in their everyday worlds.

When I first began teaching, I modeled my teaching style after a mixture of good professors and teachers I have had. As I progress over the years as a teacher, I shall gain confidence, experience through teaching and professional development, and mostly I will learn from my student’s ways to improve my teaching so as to be a more effective teacher. I continue to look for and develop innovative methods to reach my students my job as their English teacher.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday thoughts

This weekend came and went. I finally bounced out of the depression/annoyance created by Not Ms. Right/budget-related cutbacks and I made some progress on getting out of my creative blackhole of depressing thoughts.

I chose to lose some battles at the expense of my dreams but that’s ok. Without rain, you can’t enjoy the sunshine.

Oh well. The other random thought that’s been flying around in my little head is the idea of where I’m going next. It seems really strange to people that I’m actually considering leaving. Its all fine and well to joke about my final graduation date, but at the same time, I don’t understand why its so hard to believe. I am also deep in thought about how far I want to go. How much of a connection do I want to keep? What brought this on you ask? I spoke to Casey whom is a friend that recently moved to Atlanta for a better job, he explained he has made great progess in life. He is a team lead at the dealership, he also has a new girlfriend whom according to him is both professional and not as ... high maintence as his last. He was telling me that in April he will be looking to buy a house - his first. Why is this important? Well his advice to me is this: get out of Pittsburgh. The local economy sucks! And the only women you will find are either divourced old farts with three or more kids looking for a new meal ticket or 30-something-year-old stuck with a 20-something-year-old attitude. So that makes me so regretful that when I had a opportunity in Miami I pissed it away!

Do these questions keep me awake at night?

They distract me during the daytime when I want to do other things.
I have faith that the universe will throw me a safety net though. I hope. It will work out.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Christmas, a coach purse and women

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, unfortunately it is not Christmas. On Christmas day it was 55 degree and it rain, yuk today we got our first real snow fall and it is cold... crossing bridges in the morning hours on a cold windy day stinks. I should of droved in!

I have had three dates with Ms. X and I think it was going well but on date three I took her to dinner then we were going to see a movie but we had about hour before the movie so I suggested we go over to the mall and look around. We get there and as we are shopping she mentioned she would like a coach purse so I was like that's nice but I was empathic in my attitude. Then she said it again with that suggestive tone of you buy me a coach purse but not just any would do a $400 one. Now do not take this as I am cheap because I am not, if we were married or had been going out for like a few months and I felt as if she was indeed my girlfriend I would of seriously considered it. However we had three dates and I had no "feelings" that she is the one. That feeling is driven off that ~vibe~ you know what I mean? Well anyway she gave me attitude all the way up to the movie... I am sorry that I am not independently wealthy! I will call her tonight, makes plans but in all honesty I feel that it is not going to go anyway and I do not feel like even investing anymore time in it.

Another question why do women have to be so frustrating? They want a nice guy that treats them with respect but they are attracted to bad biys with that attitude and when that bad boy treats them like a piece of meat they get upset at all men. If you ever watch the movie Hitch I suggested you do so because it does define American women very accurately. They want it their way and they won't give anyone a chance unless it is they ideal Mr. Right. Oh well women... perhaps I will take another vacation to Costa Rica to meet a Ms. Right? My friend Anthony had taken a trip to San Cabos, Mexico once and he told me that when he was there he met this Mexican woman, I think he said her name was Gloria but I am not 100% sure on that. Anyway they got along very well so well when he returned he took his last week of vacation and went back. (As employees of Fedex we had good travel discounts with other airlines-its called interline fare) For about two weeks he kept in touch and even thought about helping her to get a visa to come here, I never found out how it ended but it did. He did say that women from latin America seem to appreciate the little things more then American or I guess I should say US women take for granted. He went to explain that in most of latin america there is that mucho attitude that men have towards women and even the sexiest lady would appreciate the geekiest man that treats her with respect. It made me think more about the possbilities of finding a bride, I think he was on to something. What do you think?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

An lesson in banking

This is a long story... sometime ago I use to work for PNC Bank NA and for the longest time I did not know what the NA stood for. Then one day I remeber I was in the PNC training room with Tracy and we were discussing that, both had our own theory as to what NA was. Then we each had to log into a computer and the first screen that came up was one that was validating our employee number and the intials NA was spelled out ... National Association. We both looked at each and said it about the same time! Well that was then and just recently I learned how important those two letters are to a bank with my current employer. You see as a National Association within the United states a bank operates as one corporation in several states without that NA that bank has to registered as a seperate company in each state it does business in.

Okay that was dull, sorry. I have a funny story now today I was coming back from lunch and Auto (Auto is a automated mail clerk. I call it auto, but it goes by many names by many people. Some call it R2d2, others Robbie the mail clerk, the mail clerk, IT, but i prefer auto.) Anyway I was coming back from lunch and Auto was making it afternoon rounds so as it approached my department I expected it to open the door like it always does but not this time Auto runs into the door then started beeping for assistance. I ended up helping pull auto off the door and reassembling him or her if you prefer so that it can complete its afternoon rounds.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The world is like a book

The world is like a book, and those who do not travel read only one page

When I first thought about having a blog, in which to post my own feelings,so that people all over the world see what I go through, I had this statement in my mind, because I trully believe it is making much more sense than all the other personal sharing quotes I've been reading on professional websites.

The world is like a book...
Where the "books" are the people, all the people that cross the street together with us, or that are going to the same school, workplace, shops we do, but in the end, not the cover matters the most, but the content, the story inside that can captivate you or can leave you as empty as before reading it.

Day by day we are living in a huge library, in which books are surrounding us, present there to be "read" so that one can have a first glance of an experience even before going through it in reality.

...and those who do not travel read only one page!

By choosing to "travel" you choose to "read" more "books", to listen and capture more stories, experiences, knowledge from the people around you. If you choose not to do it, not to travel from human being to human being, and searching for the beauty that lies in the content, I congratulate you for being another cover reader (and just say hello to the other eighty percent of the human population that strives to travel in life from tourist site to tourist site.. and not to understand the history, the past, the mistery lying behind an experience).

This blog is meant to capture the experience that I have in preparing for the next year, while looking for the past learning experiences that I have already gained. I invite you to share with me your thoughts regarding my ideas, opinions or remarks, but in the end do not forget that all the things that I will write here are just meant to be an example not something that you should take for granted.

I am who I am...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Official Statement

Over the last two weeks, rumors have arose that I am currently dating someone. Some even go as far as to speculate that I am dating a female. I will now respond to these rumors.

It is true that I am seeing someone and this person is female. I choose at this time to not reveal her identity online because I do not want my ass kicked. I am sure it is understandable that dating me is not something to be proud of and, therefore, not something one would want publicized. Some may find this hypocritical because I rarely protect the anonymity of anyone. My response to these people is: "yes, this is quite hypocritical, but too f'ing bad. Get your own damn site and write whatever you want about me."

Noticeably my current situation has reduced the amount of time I have spent updating asmyowncrazyworldturn.blogspot.com

I soon expect to be dedicating more time to the site because, honestly, how much longer can this relationship really last?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Amanda 7

Missed opportunity last Friday, My father and I are eating lunch at a TGI Friday’s. One of the few times we ever do anything remotely like a father/son should. Anyway It just happens to be Friday afternoon. We’re sitting next to a plate glass window fronting a busy highway. Outside the roads are already thickening with commuters. My father’s eating chicken while I nibble on the fish special. Our conversation ranges from family matters to the movies. By the time our coffee arrives we’re talking about the first movie version of the Maltese Falcon. Not the classic starring Humphrey Bogart and Sydney Greenstreet. We’re talking about the 1931 version with Ricardo Cortez and Bebe Daniels. I had never known it existed until I saw it on late night TV. It’s a great film. Cortez plays Sam Spade a lot differently than Bogie.

“He’s a sleaze ball,” I say to my father, “Just like Spade was in the book.”

“Bogart couldn’t play it that way.”

“The 1931 version was before the Hayes Act,” I reply, “Before censorship clamped down on everything.”

“Did you enjoy it?” my father asks. When I had mentioned the movie my father tracked it down on the internet and gave me a copy for Christmas.

“It was great,” I say, “I’ll give it to you when we get back to the house.”

“I’d like to see it.”

“There’s still a fat guy playing Casper Gutman,” I grin. “But this time you know he’s a pervert.”

“That wasn’t in the Bogie version,” my father grumbles.

“This version’s a little darker Dad.”

Our waitress, a cute girl with her hair tied in a ponytail, arrives with our check. She can’t be more than nineteen.

“How was everything gentleman?” she asks.

“Very nice,” my dad says.

“Everything was great,” I echo. “Thank you.”

“Here’s your check gentleman,” the waitress says. My father and I begin reaching for our wallets but like always my dad says “put that away. ”

“We have a customer satisfaction survey,” the girl says, pointing to the receipt. “If you go online and fill it out you get a free appetizer on your next visit.”

“So you fill out the survey online?” my dad asks.

“Yes sir,” the waitress replies.

I look at the girl and give her my best smile. She smiles back.

“Is there a special code that identifies you to the corporate guys?” I ask.

“Yes,” the waitress says, pointing to the receipt, “My secret code’s Amanda 7.”

“Not very secret,” I say.

“I know,” the girl laughs.

“It reminds me of something from……” I start to say, but I catch myself. The girl’s too young to catch the reference.

The waitress looks at me expectantly.

“Sorry,” I say, “I’m just thinking out loud. It’s nothing. Thanks.”

“Thank you sir,” the girl says smoothly. “I’ll give you gentleman some time with your check.”

Once the waitress walks away my father looks at me. “What we’re you going to say?”

“I was going to say ‘Amanda 7’ sounds like something out of Logan’s Run.”

“She’d never have gotten that reference,” my Dad says.

“Great movie,” I say. “They’re thinking of remaking it.”


“I hope they follow the book more closely,” I say. “In the movie no one was allowed to live past thirty. In the book twenty-one was the limit.”

“Twenty one?” my father laughs. “Yikes. I’d be long gone.”

“I’d have been vaporized not to long ago to,” I say. “Don’t feel bad.”

My father threw some money into the check holder. The waitress comes back to collect it.

“All set gentleman?” she asks perkily.

“All yours” my Dad says, pushing the plastic folder towards her. The girl got a nice tip.

“Excuse me,” I ask the waitress. “Have you ever heard of the movie Logan’s Run?”

“Sure,” the waitress says, “That’s the one where everyone’s living underground or something.”

“And everyone’s name was Logan 5 or Jessica 6,” I say. “Your name on the bill reminded me of that movie. I was going to say that but I wasn’t sure you’d catch the reference.”

“I love movies,” the waitress says.

“Thanks a lot Amanda 7” I say. “You satisfied my curiosity.”

“You’re welcome sir,” the girl says, happily, “Come back soon.”

The waitress takes her money and leaves.

“I wanted to ask her that,” I tell my father when the waitress moves out of earshot, “Because sometimes I think people younger than me don’t know the same things I know.”

“They can surprise you,” my dad says. He should know. He was a successful business owner for fifty years.

“Yeah,” I say smiling. “But do you think she knows who Ricardo Cortez was?”

“Probably not.”

My Dad and I part company. He’s driving back to Murryville. I drive back to the historic Southside of Pittsburgh, fire up my computer and fill out the TGI Friday’s survey.

Amanda 7 got a rave review.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Redneck Man'spick up lines

1) Did you fart? Cuz you blew me away.
2) Are yer parents retarded? Cuz ya sure are special.
3) My Love fer you is like diarrhea. I can't hold it in.
4) Do you have a library card? Cuz I'd like to sign you out.
5) Is there a mirror in yer pants? Cuz I can see myself in em.
6) If you was a tree and I were a Squirrel, I'd store my nuts in yer
7) You might not be the best lookin girl here, but beauty's only a
lightswitch away.
8) Man - "Fat Penguin!"
Woman - "WHAT?"
Man - "I just wanted to saysomething that would break the ice."
9) I know I'm not no Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make yer bed-rock.
10) I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went inta
this cheapmotel room.
11) Yereyes are as blue as window cleaner.
12) Ifyer gunna regret this in the mornin, we kin sleep til afternoon.

and.... The best for last!
13) Yer face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it my nuts

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy belated Martin Luther King day

Yeah it was a happy Monday for me, had a three day weekend so had the day off. To bad it rained all day yesterday but it was still nice to have the day off. Why do we have his birthday as a national holiday but we do not have some like George Washington's birthday as a national holiday? I am mean GW (not to be confused with GWB) is after all consider the father of this Nation. Tis grand to be a banker and have the many holiday off. :) Update on the previous new years eve post of mine, Sar street is really Jane st and Jane is Sara not sure why I get the two confused but I do, I did. The banking job is great, got a great annual review, got a decent raise not a fantastic and I also got some props in the form of private client loans. Yeah they are the big one with 7 digits and up! Had a banker's happy hour on Friday after work so that was exciting. We ended up going to the Ugly dog saloon and I was perfectly fine as I had no intention of drinking to get drunk. After the offical happy hour me and three other coworkers ended up going over to my hood to continue the end of month celebration and drink our pver time pay away at a new place called Charlie Murdoch's place or at I think that is what it is called. It is was Switch which was Halo. Needless to say it was not all together bad evening.

You know the thing I dislike more is when a person thinks they are better then you and attack your character. Nothing is more disgusting then that. For example I get a BS email from a pro-republican friend whom lectures me on the politics and concludes it on how I am not a good American. It is a typical tactic I find, when on a losing side of a argument play the blame game or attack! Say things like, "You need to support our troops." Or the reason why the republicans lost control of Congress and the president populaity is at 23% is because of the biased media whom we all know favors the democrats. (Fox news Vs. CNN)I should responsed like this: Why am I not a good American? because I am not pro-Bush! First thing I do support the men and women in the military and I think they all do a great job unfortuantely the elected leaders that choose to put them in harms way should first consult their concise before attacking another individual's character. Yeah that sort of ticked me off but I am over it now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My greatest accomplishment to date

With another birthday glimmering on the horizon, I find myself arrived at an age when one is practically helpless not to compare one’s record of accomplishment with that of everybody else who has arrived roughly at the same age without somehow dying in the meantime. I do not torment myself with thoughts of such prodigies as Russell Crowe, or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose father I am now old enough to have been if I’d been around at the time of his death. I admit, however, that someone like Avril Leavene does daunt me. she managed to achieve all that she did, composing her more than 50 works — within her forst 30 years. She will live another 80 years, and will probably compose many more works before.

Well, it’s no use envying geniuses. Yet even in my own weight division, which is to say, among the great mediocre majority of humanity today, I sometimes feel like a total slacker compared to many of my contemporaries who maybe haven’t composed great music but do have long rap sheets. For example, the local newspaper is full of the tribulations of a former state senator who “is unmarried but has three ex-wives and 12 children, including several born out of wedlock. He lives in a $362,900 home with an ex-wife in M— and a $509,000 home with his girlfriend in C—,” which would seem to explain the ex-wife and/or -wives. In consequence of a bribery sting, he is also under indictment and house arrest, though the papers neglect to say whether he’s confined to the $509,000 mansion or only the $362,900 hovel.

These circumstances strike me as hardly of a kind that simply befall a person, willy nilly, out of the blue, Book of Job-like; clearly, a particle of conscious effort must have come into play, even if momentum did take over after a certain point. I guess what i am saying is I may not be a movie star or a rock star, or even a public offical but I have my own accomplishments and over the course of the next year I hope to add a few more. I saw how much more I shall have in my pay and that makes me happy:)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Last game of the season Steelers 23, Bengals 17

Who Dey... It was the Steelers that won the last game of the season and with that win the Steelers also knocked our rivals the Bengals out of the playoffs.

Work is work, I had my first review done and guess what I am getting a pay raise... yes a little more of that $$$ and that makes me happy. As for class, I registered for two more in the spring of 2007.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years

New years Eve was fun, sort of. I had been invited by Cindy - my brother's new girlfriend to a party unfortunately it was in Greensburg, PA. She also introduced me to a friend of hers, Beth. Beth was nice in all but she 41 three kids and has roots in Greensburg... not going to go anywhere :( And I am to much of a gentleman to use her for that other thing. I left there shortly after the ball in NYC dropped and headed home, on the way I saw two bad accidents on the parkway West one involved a SUV that looked like it flipped over several times. I hope no one was killed in that accident. I must of gotten home about 12:45am and of course there was no where to park near my flat so I ended up having to park like 5 blocks down on a stretch of Sara Street - near a ghetto Rite Aid that was in the news earlier in the month for several cars having their winshield smashed in. Needless to say I was not to comfortable parking there but I was sleepy and wanted to just park and get home to bed. As I rounded the corner my next door neighbor was out on his front stoop with some of his crew so we wished each other happr new year and I could tell he was drunk. He looks at me and says" this my neighbor he drives a Saturn, where is the Saturn?" I simply said had to park a mile away, he laughed, staggered, laughed some more then said "hey wake me up tomorrow, we can get our cars from the slopes together- there is strength in numbers" then staggered some more, laughed and said they were all heading up towards Pipers Pub for last call. I wanted to tag along but was to tired.

Next morning when I woke up I took down my Christmas decorations and packed it up then like the silly man I am dragged the box down to my car to take over to the garage at my mother's house to store it. I loaded up my car and headed down Sara street and well I am not 100% sure but I think I drove past someone that I use to know. I am hoping that it was not because I can just imagine the attitude and the topic of conversation. Anyway I am hoping it was not the person that I think it is cause I just know what the attitude will be, "stalker."

It is day four of the new year and last night I realized my old attitude is still holding strong... I got to break the cycle my life is in - I just got to! Why is changing your own thought pattern, your life rut so dam hard?