Sunday, July 23, 2006

World War III

I was watching the news this morning and you can not really escape it the crisis in the Middle East, one of the reporter said that she just heard that a unnamed Syrian Diplomat in Madrid, Spain said, "if Isreal pushes their offensive close to our border we will enter the conflict." If they enter the fight then Iran which has recently signed a mutual defense pact with Syria in March of 2006 will be duty bound to enter so the war will expand. With the President of Iran public statement of wipping Isreal off the map and their nuclear weapons program this war will indeed be one that cound end all wars. Now i then got on line and started reading blogs from Isreal, Lebanon and even one on Bagdad but i ended up researching the bible code and read this paragraph; "The 2,500-year-old warning of a nuclear war could be found only with a computer. And now the Bible code revealed when and where the real Apocalypse might begin. I checked every year in the next hundred years. Only two years, 2000 and 2006, were clearly encoded with 'world war'. The same two years were also encoded with 'atomic holocaust'. They were the only two years in the next hundred encoded with both 'atomic holocaust' and 'world war'.
There is no way of knowing whether the code is predicting a war in 2000 or 2006. The year 2000 is encoded twice, but 2006 is mathematically the best match. And there is, of course, no way of knowing if the danger is real."


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