Thursday, July 20, 2006

Margo's story

Margo, a woman I work with asked me if I saw Rick Santorum's latest advertisment on tv the one when he promises to make America independent of mideast oil. Which is a noble suggestion and I would support him on it but she explained that he said "i will make us independent of those people" and when he said those people it cut to a scence of Arabs rioting. Margo being a bigger liberal then me said that if she was a Arab or Muslim she would be greatly offended. I did see the commercial and sort of laughed then thought about it... it was not very PC and he is not going to win the Arab-American vote. If Ricky really wanted to make us independent of those people then he could do a great deal more and no it has nothing to do with drilling in the Artic reserve. He can moblize the govt to promote that alternative energy source - ethanol. Whats ethanol? Ethanol or E85 fuel is not yet widely available. Also, vehicles running on E85 may have a cruising range that is about 25% shorter than the same vehicle operating on regular gasoline.
Yet when you can choose E85 ethanol, you make a difference. This renewable fuel, made from U.S. grown bio material (like corn or grain products), helps reduce our dependence on petroleum and greenhouse gas emissions. E85 fuel can help: Gain increased horsepower for better engine performance because E85 ethanol fuel has a higher octane rating than premium gasoline and
Support the domestic agriculture industry in the U.S. so it would be a win - win situation for America. Wait sorry only losers would be the oil sheikdoms of Arabia and ... Texas and since Texas oil not to mention Saudia Arabian owns the Dubya Jr the chance of ethanol being prompted is highly unlikely. No the GOP (Grand Oil Party) does not want to hear about a cheaper alternative that cuts into their profits.


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