Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Q and A Tuesday

I have never been a go to guy. It’s not that I am not dependable, it’s just that, well, uh, where was I? Oh yes, I tend to get easily sidetracked. However, with that being said, I do like to answer questions. Am I particularly qualified to answer questions in any given area? No, of course I’m not. Haven’t you been reading my blog? Well, if it’s pop culture related I might be able to shed some light, but really, how often do we need clarification on some obscure pop culture reference, unless of course you are reading my blog.

Where is all of this going? I am going to begin a Q & A Tuesday. Each Tuesday, I will answer your questions on any and all subjects. Will my answers be good? It’s hard to say. Will my answers be accurate? Again, difficult to tell. Will they be well researched and presented in an easily understood way, possibly with charts and graphs? Gheesh, I hope not! Are the answers something that you should repeat to others in order to prove your intelligence to them? I highly suggest you don’t. Should I be a little more positive about this project in the hopes that someone will submit a question to me? Probably.

Yes, it has finally come to this…I guess if I blogged long enough I was eventually going to resort to people providing me questions so that I do not have to be original every single day. I am embarrassed by this development, but I am also looking forward to the give and take that question segments will provide. If there is ever a shortage of questions, then I’ll just answer a question I have overheard in my office. Are you bristling with excitement yet?

So go ahead, ask me whatever you wish. I’ll do my best to answer everything each and every Tuesday. I realize the notice is a little late, but I’m giving you more warning than Tom Cruise gave Nicole Kidman when he divorced her. Well, I think I did. OK, what are you waiting for? You’ll definitely get an answer! What type of answer? Let’s just say it probably won’t be ‘Wiki’ worthy…


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