Friday, September 14, 2007

My first teaching job, sort of anyway

Hi, I also am starting a new position, its part time and twice a week so I am not giving up the day job at the bank. I am a volunteer for a local nonprofit teaching english, yes english to new arrivals to the USA and also refugees to the USA. Can you beleieve it? It does not pay but I am doing it part time for the experience and in time I hope - (after the new year) to land a paying job at a local business/tech school. I was busy earlier downloading syllabus and ideas from the Internet. Just Google what you want and you'll find tons of stuff. They have "Ice breaker" ideas, first day ideas, tips for writing your syllabus, teaching methods etc. It's almost information overload. I had to lie down on the sofa and not think for an afternoon, after I was inundated with so much information for the English Comp class I will be teaching. Plan to use videos, overheads, small group sessions, lecture - in other words change what you are doing about every 15 minutes and change what you are teaching every 30 minutes. Teach writing, then switch to grammar, than switch to memos or letters or emails or read short stories and discuss how to write about them. Make this idea fit whatever topic you are teaching and keep things moving.

Oh by the way I am really concerned about my up coming presentations to teach english. Wish me luck!


At 2:42 AM, Blogger kaz said...

Good luck Scott, it's a foot in the door and a step in the right direction :)


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