Thursday, September 06, 2007


Started drinking miller lite when I was about - well about five years ago
So let’s figure from birdthday to birthday… And if we just go with an average of 30 days a month, 2880 days.
Since five years I have been drinking ATLEAST 6 12oz. draft sometimes the bottles a day. So that brings the total number of days down to 2817. While living with the roommate I didn’t have any except on friday and saturdays, and that was about 4 years. So now we are at 2697 days. And for good measure, let’s take 200 days away, for days I was sick, in route somewhere, or just plain didn’t have any. Keep in mind that this is based on averages. There were somedays I would drink more, and somedays that I would drink less, and I’m sured I missed a day or two when I didn’t have any at all. So, we have 2497 days of Drinking…

That would be:14982
20oz. Bottles
279664 Total
oz.2184 .875 Gallons

If I saved all the bottles and cans and got the $0.05 deposit on them, I would have $998.80
I have drank enough miller lite to fill some nice sized swimming pools… Now try to tell me I shouldn’t be the new Miller Lite Spokesman…


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