All-star week
For some odd reason Pittsburgh was chosen to host baseball's all-star games, odd because our team - the Pittsburgh Pirates had the worse season in baseball history! In fact they were one game shy of setting a national record for the most games lost in a straight row. Yes with such a terrible team why was Pittsburgh chosen? Well most Pittsburghers say it is because the owner - Mr. Kevin ______ wanted to show off PNC Park. He was also the man that said if this city built his franchise team a new ball park he would be able to recruit talented ball players and might actually win a few games. Well anyone who followed the team's progess over the years will know they have not won a championship game since 1979! With that in mind next week being the all-star week is being prompted as a huge event, expected to bring houndreds of thousands of visitors to Pittsburgh and with coming events - it means heighten security ... to protect those baseball fans so that they can have fun watching exciting games, eating hot dogs and then washing them down with ice cold beer. Now for me it means added headaches for my commute to work! Why? Because you sillys, roads are closing around the ball park and my building is within two blocks of the ball park.
Its only 62 more days until ... the Steelers take to the Heinz field! I am really looking forwards to this season if for nothing more then to shut those Colts fans up about how we should not of made it to the superbowl because they should of. The better team won!
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