Monday, April 28, 2008

Let's go Pens!

With every win the Penguins rack up on the road to the Stanley Cup, playoff fever continues to catch on more and more across the BURGH! You can quote me later, "We have to win". "There's only one outcome possible for Sunday - victory.

It seems fans have one goal in mind for their favorite hockey team or at least this fan does. I would like to see the Pittsburgh Penguins win the Stanley Cup that would be cool. What is funny is while the Pens battled the Rangers in front of another sold out, excited crowd inside Mellon Arena; in what seems to be a new tradition, many more fans gathered outside to watch the game on an LCD big screen. The crowd outside was estimated to be at several thousand more then the numbers of fans in PNC park watching the worst baseball team Friday night.

In the end, the Penguins racked up another win, with a 2-0 victory over the Rangers, to build momentum going into Game 3, and fans couldn't have been happier. The Penguins are set to play the Rangers in Game 3 on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in New York


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