Monday, October 23, 2006

Awesome day

I had an awesome day today. I woke up feeling fully rested and was excited to get my day started. I went shopping with one of my favorite people in the world, was surprised by some gifts and nick-nacks, had my phone ringing off the hook at some points of the day with coworkers and friends on the other end of the line, got a ton of things checked off my to-do list, and got to sit and relax for awhile. This evening some of my new coworkers invited me to one of my favorite cafe where from the moment we started our night together until we all went our separate ways, was non-stop laughter and good times. I am a fiend for games like Hangman and tic-tac-toe on bar napkins, I fucking rule! Besides all that this morning I was able to wear a pair of pants that last year my fat butt could not fit into but this morning I was able to wear them and the best part ... I did not pop a button off the waist! Is that not fucking awesome?!

The perfect woman, I began many months ago actively seeking that perfect woman, as so many young men do I choose to jump back into the mix, I say jump back into it because for sometime I was out. It was for many reasons but mostly because at the time back in college and I had felt that because I was in school I would never be seen as a ideal match for any potential Ms. Right. Well anyway in searching for the perfect woman. I believed that if I looked long enough, and hard enough, I would find her and then I would be secure for life. Well, the years and romances came and went, and I eventually ended up settling for someone whom was in my mind the ideal mate (I am not speaking of Tracy a.k.a. Ophelia). No her name was Kristina and we started as friends in hight school and it grew from there but unfortuately after high school I did not take my life serious enough and had no real ambition in life. To make a long sad story short she split and I chose to go back to school and well I am were I am in life now. Now with that in mind after completing my quest for education I saw my career going no where I hit a brick wall. Last summer was the darkest time in my life because I saw my career dead and friendships that I valued equally dead. Today, after many years of living alone I sit here on my couch recovering from a slight cold I realized something about perfection... Perfection comes only with time.


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